What Happens if You Can’t Post Bail?

Bail BondsThere are a lot of uncertainties about what happens after you are booked into a jail. At Just Bail Bonds, we understand there are a lot of things going through your mind when you or your loved one is arrested. Often, after being booked into jail, you are given a bail amount which you must post before you can be released. You can post the bail yourself or call us to find out about bail bonds. What happens if you can’t post bail?

You Sit and Wait

If you really don’t have the money to afford your own bail and are not considering Dallas bail bonds, the best thing you can do is sit and wait. This means that you remain in jail until the time of your trial. How long you wait depends on the courts and when they can fit you in. You could be sitting in jail for a few days, a few weeks, or even a few months. Getting help with bail bonds can get you out faster.

Time May Be Taken Into Account

On the plus side, when you do go to trial, if you are convicted, the judge may take into account how long you have been sitting in jail waiting for your trial. For example, if you are sentenced to jail for one year, but have been sitting and waiting for your trial for three months, the judge may deduct three months off of your sentence so you only have nine more months to serve.

Get Help When Necessary

While sitting in jail might save you a little money, it also means not being able to be with your family or go to work. Bail bonds help you post bail for a marginal fee. As long as you make good on your court appearances, you don’t have anything to worry about. If you’re struggling with making bail, contact us, Just Bail Bonds, at 817-303-3400 for more information.