How to Get Released from Jail Quickly

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If you are arrested for DUI or any other crime, it’s important that you get released from jail quickly pending your trial. Your DUI arrest may be scary for you; you’ll need to talk to your lawyer right away to ensure that you get the best possible outcome for your case, and you can’t do that from a jail cell. If you need help securing your early jail release, contact Just Bail Bonds for help.

Bail System

In some cases, people are released from jail on their own recognizance, which means they just have to sign a paper promising to come back for their trial. In most cases, however, people who are arrested can only get out of jail pending trial by paying bail. Bail is an amount of money set by a judge to secure your appearance at trial. If you do not appear in court as required, you forfeit the bail you paid. Bail is often set at $25,000 or higher to encourage defendants to return for their trial.

What If I Can’t Afford Bail?

The high cost of bail makes it unaffordable for many people. If you cannot afford bail on your own, don’t panic. Dallas bail bonds offices can help you get the money you need. They provide loans; you need to pay 10 percent of the bail up front and then pay back the loan in monthly installments. For example, if you owe $25,000 in bail, you pay the bail bondsman $2,500 up front.

Getting a bail loan is often the quickest way to get out of jail. Once your loan is secured, your bail will be paid and you can go home. If you or a loved one has been arrested, don’t try to wait it out in a Dallas jail. Call Just Bail Bonds at 214-272-0792 to arrange for your bail loan and secure your immediate release from jail.