Affordable Bail Bonds Arlington, TX
Get Out of Jail in Arlington TX
There’s no doubt that personal freedom is a right that deserves to be guarded and valued, even after a person has been arrested. Securing release from jail via bail bond is not guaranteed by law, but freedom can be much simpler to achieve with the help of our Arlington TX bail bond agents. No matter what the charge or who may be at fault, we help defendants and their loved ones understand what to expect after an arrest in Tarrant or Dallas County.
To give you a solid overview of the criminal justice process following arrest, Just Bail Bonds is happy to share our bail bond expertise, below.
1. Bail is Set
Judges determine bail, but many jails set standard bail amounts for certain charges so that it doesn’t take days before you see a judge. The Eighth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution specifies that bail must not be excessive. Bail should not simply raise money for the government or financially punish citizens accused (not convicted) of crime. Instead, bail allows defendants to remain free until they have their day in court.
Most importantly, defendants must appear in court on the day and time instructed, otherwise the court may forfeit the bond, causing you to lose any bail you’ve paid. The court may also issue an arrest warrant if you “skip bail.” Also, a judge may set rules that a defendant must follow while out on bond. Some conditions relate specifically to the alleged crime, such as an order not to contact the complaining witness in a domestic violence case.
If you are arrested and cannot afford the posted bail, you may ask the judge to lower bail. This request requires you to wait for the court to set a special bail hearing or for your initial court date (called an arraignment). You may not be eligible to post bail if you already have a “hold” on your record, such as unpaid traffic tickets or some other pending charges. If you cannot pay bond or do not qualify for release without bail, you must remain in jail until the court date.
For fast, professional Arlington TX bail bonds, contact us online. Call our licensed bail bond agents 24/7 at (817) 303-3400 in Tarrant County or (214) 495-1363 in Dallas County.
2. Release from Dallas/Fort Worth Area Jails
If the full amount of the bail is paid up front, that amount will be refunded (less a small administrative fee) when the person arrested has made all required court appearances. A Tarrant County bail bond agent will accept a percentage of the total bail amount (typically around 10%) to guarantee the full bail amount to the court. The bond agent’s fee is nonrefundable and may require collateral to further ensure the defendant’s appearance in court. A bail bondsman can redeem this collateral (car, home, or other valuable property) if the suspect fails to appear in court.
Bail can be paid in several different ways:
- Cash bond or check for total bail amount
- Property bond worth the full amount of bail
- Surety bond to guarantee payment of the full bail amount
3. Release Without Bail
You may request release without bail on your own recognizance (also called ROR), but release without bail requires defendants to meet certain criteria:
- Strong ties to community (parents, children, spouse in the Dallas/Fort Worth area)
- History of living in the area
- Steady employment
- Little or no past criminal record
- If charged with previous crimes, defendant has always appeared as required.
In some cases, federal law requires that a defendant be released on personal recognizance or upon execution of an unsecured appearance bond. Released defendants must not commit any crimes during the period of release. If a court determines that an unsecured appearance bond (ROR) will not reasonably assure the defendant’s appearance, or that it determines that the safety of a person or the community, a defendant may be released upon conditions such as:
- Limit travel
- Maintain or seek employment
- Undergo drug/alcohol testing
- Undergo medical/psychiatric/psychological treatment
- Maintain or commence an educational program
- Comply with a curfew
- Refrain from excessive use of alcohol or any use of narcotic drugs
- Remain in the custody of a designated person
- Comply with periodic check-ins with authorities
- Refrain from possession of a firearm
- Refrain from contact with crime victim or others designated by the court
- Execute a bond agreement with the court or a solvent surety in an amount as is reasonably necessary to ensure the defendant’s appearance
- Agree to other reasonable conditions the court may impose to ensure a defendant’s appearance
4. Free on Bond
If you are free on bond you will usually be notified by mail (at the address you gave the jail when you were released) as to the date, time and designated courtroom where you must appear. However, do not assume the court will contact you. It is the responsibility of the defendant to know what is expected of them while free on bond. Stay in close contact with the jail, the court clerk, your lawyer (if you have one) and your Arlington TX bail bond agent.
The local bar association advises defendants to report directly to that courtroom on the arraignment date. Each court posts a docket sheet in front of the courtroom so that you can confirm the location. Some courts require that you come inside the courtroom, while others tell you to remain in the hall directly outside the assigned courtroom until your name is called. If you don’t know where to go, it is always best to enter the courtroom and check in with the court bailiff or court coordinator.

For Arlington TX bail bond assistance, contact Just Bail Bonds online. Call our bail bond agents 24/7 at (817) 303-3400 in Tarrant County or (214) 495-1363 in Dallas County.