Types of Bail Bonds
Arlington TX Bonds for All Jail Release Needs

In the event that you or someone you care for is arrested, our Arlington TX bail bond agents work to ensure the defendant’s freedom until the case is closed. If you can afford pay the full cash amount of bail set, the court will refund that amount once the accused appears at all required court proceedings. However, cash bond takes 60 to 90 days to process and some courts deduct a small administrative fee (usually 3%) plus any fines or court costs owed. In contrast, posting bail through a our licensed bond agents is fast and convenient.
You pay a percentage of the total bail amount to our bondsmen, then are free to be with your family and friends while working toward a successful day in court. To make the jail release process easier, our bail bond agents can help you understand a variety of jail release situations:
No matter what type of bail method you choose, our Arlington TX bondsmen provide the fastest bail in the business. Just Bail Bonds keeps licensed bail bond representatives on call 24/7 to meet you at the jail immediately. In many cases, jail paperwork takes between one to four hours, so our bail bond service focuses on speeding up that process. You should never wait long for your release. We post your bail bond in less than 30 minutes from the time you call!
For fast Arlington TX bail bond assistance, contact Just Bail Bonds online. Call our bail bond agents 24/7 at (817) 303-3400 in Tarrant County or (214) 495-1363 in Dallas County.